- Does it allow me to make copies for my classes? Or send copies of my articles to potential employers?
- Does it allow me to reuse the material as the basis for future research?
- Does it allow me to post it on my school or personal website if I want to?
- If my school has a requirement that any research done by its employees be made freely available to other employees, will this agreement allow that?
If it doesn't:
- Think carefully about all the things you want to do with this work. Make a list. Contact the publisher and tell them you want the contract to allow you to do these things.
- Cross out the relevant parts of the contract and send it back to the publisher with an explanation.
See these web pages for more ideas on your options:
Negotiating Copyright Transfer Agreements. http://libweb.uoregon.edu/scis/sc/copyright-transfer.html"
Alternative Publishing & Copyright Agreements - http://www.library.arizona.edu/help/tutorials/copyright/copyright-alternative.html
Next, see how much you've learned about protecting your work by looking at a copyright scenario.
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